GetResponse features

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GetResponse features 2022

GetResponse offers a significantly large feature set. On top of all the key services you would expect from a standard email marketing platform, it also acts an an all-in-one e-commerce and marketing solution.



Autoresponders are e-newsletters that are sent automatically to the subscribers on your mailing list based on intervals that you set.

GetResponseā€™s autoresponder feature is a key selling point.

You have two options for sending emails: time-based or action-based.

GetResponse features
Schedule your time-base messages

Time-based messages: automated emails that you write and schedule for them to be sent according to a pre-defined time and day.

For example: your customers receive a welcome message from your business right after they sign up to your mailing list. A week later, they receive another email that incites them to follow you on social media. Two weeks later, another email, that promotes a new campaign, etc. You choose the intervals.

GetResponse features
Schedule your email easily with calendars

Action-based messages: are automated emails that are triggered to be sent according to user actions.

For example: opens, clicks, changes in contact information and preferences, subscription to specific lists, etc.

Marketing Automation

GetResponse features
Marketing automation infographic

The ā€œMarketing Automationā€ feature allows you to create automation workflows that reflect a user experience.

This option for sequencing emails automatically instructs GetResponse what to do according to different actions and conditions (if a user clicks on a certain link or opens up a specific offer etc).

To build these workflows you can either use the drag and drop builder of the platform or the many predesigned templates it offers.

Since the automation option is based on user behavior and data, it helps your business grow in many ways:

  • By capturing and converting new leads: beacuse you captivate the interest of new subscribers by sending them relevant offers to their experience and preferences.
  • By achieving more sales: because you can recommend specific products your customers love using behavioral targeting.
  • Engaging better with your audience: because you can create personalized emails and make every customer feel special.

This offer is available on the ā€œPlusā€ plan and higher.

Landing Page Creator

If youā€™re a beginner youā€™re probably wondering what is a landing page?

Simply put a landing page or ā€œsqueeze pageā€ is the first page your customer lands on after clicking on a link or an ad. It could be anything from a home page to a form for the visitor to fill out his contact information etc. From a personal experience ā€” as a customer and business owner ā€” landing pages give a feeling of ā€œcredibilityā€ and generate far more leads than simply sending the customer to the product directly.

GetResponse features
A wide range of landing page templates

GetResponse provides you with a landing page creator. Something that a lot of its competitors donā€™t offer yet.

You have the option of creating your own design or choosing from over 200 landing page templates.

Getresponseā€™s landing page option is available on all plans. Leading landing page tools like Unbounce and Instapage cost a minimum of $80 and $199 per month respectively. The savings to be made here with GetResponse are significant I would say.

Why is the landing page creator great for your business?

  • You can analyze your landing pageā€™s performance with this feature and track and test the conversion rate of each one to choose the best performing one.
  • You can convert high-quality leads and grow your contact list by offering incentives and using the mobile-responsive templates.
  • You can integrate your landing pages with your favorite analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager and your Facebook pixel.
  • You can connect your online stores to sell your products and services directly from your landing pages.

GetResponse Email Templates

GetResponse features
Beautiful email template designs

There are around 500 newsletter templates available on GetResponse (Aweber offers over 700 templates). The templates are high quality and I must say that on the design front it beats other competitors for me regardless of the number provided. The designs are very contemporary and customizable.

The templates are grouped into categories focused on specific campaign goals (welcoming, educating, promoting, selling etc). In addition, they are all responsive templates so they automatically adjust themselves to the device theyā€™re being viewed on and you get access to a preview function to see how your newsletter will appear on each device.

The one downside to this feature that I can point out is that the template editor doesnā€™t let you define heading and paragraph styles to be re-used throughout all your message. You will have to do some formatting as you compose your emails.

On the other hand, as opposite many of its competitors, it allows you to use a significant number of web fonts and offers a very wide selection.


With Getresponse you get all the basic reporting options ( click-through, unsubscribe rate etc) but in addition, there are other features worth mentioning in my opinion:

  • Metrics over time: allows you to find out precisely when your subscribers take action on your email. You can use this information to better time your future messages.
  • E-newsletter performance comparison: compare two emails side by side and choose which one performs the best.
  • One-click segmentation: you can identify the subscribers who did not engage with your email and put them into a special segment to send a new e-newsletter to (you can use the results of the e-newsletter performance comparison).

Conversion Funnels

For me, this the key feature that sets Getresponse apart from its competitors.

GetResponse features
Conversion funnel fnforgraphic

This is the feature that transforms Getresponse from a simple email marketing platform to a platform you can actually use to run and control you entire e-commerce business. Basically it aims to help you create and online store and set a sales funner withour needing third-party tools or other apps.

The platform also offers predesigned scenarios which makes it super easy and less time consuming to laucnh your funnel.

So how can the conversion funnel feature help you grow your business?

In brief, with this feature you can:

  • Create landing pages
  • Capture new leads on your landing pages
  • Create prodcut catalogues
  • Create and run Facebook campaigns
  • Promote, sell and deliver your product
  • Create free or paid webinars


Getresponse offers the unique feature of hosting webinars on its platform.

You can use this feature to either generate more leads or even generate more revenue by building strong relationships with your subscribers and sharing your expertise.

In regards to the pricing, I believe it is very competitive if you take into consideration the pricing offered by the established webinar solutions in the market.

For example:

  • Gotowebinar (one of the leading webinar hosting services): $59 per month to host webinars with up to 100 participants
  • Getresponse: $49 per month to host webinars with up to 100 participants in addition to all its other features.

Check out the GetResponse platform for yourself here.

GetResponse features

In this GetResponse review 2021, Iā€™m going to try and give you a thorough idea about GetResponse features, pros and cons, and how as an email marketing tool, it can help you grow your business. Hopefully, this will help you decide if GetResponse is the right email marketing platform for you.

What is email marketing and why is it a good strategy to promote your business?

For complete beginners, email marketing is simply the act of sending commercial emails to prospects and customers and marketing or promoting your products and services through email.

If youā€™re here but still hesitating about adopting an email marketing strategy, here are some facts that prove that youā€™re on the right path:

  • Over 74 billion emails are sent every year.
  • Email is 40 times more efficient in winning new customers compared to Facebook or Twitter.
  • Niche-specific emails convert 200% more than any other traffic sources.

From a personal experience (both as a customer and business owner), I would say that the main reason email marketing works is because it feels personal. Creating and sending targeted and personalized messages helps you engage with your customers better and creates more credibility.

Also, you are not subjected or dependent on social media algorithm and SEO but are in full control of your marketing strategy.

In simple terms: itā€™s an email marketing platform that helps entrepreneurs build their subscriber lists, to then send out high-impact email newsletters, videos emails, campaigns, online surveys, etc.

Now, we know there are many email marketing platforms and software’s in the market that offer more or less the same services with a slight difference in the pricing plans or the number of subscribers you are allowed.

So why would you choose GetResponse?

GetResponse features

Simply, because itā€™s not a simple email marketing tool .

GetResponse is actually an all-in-one platform and marketing solution with a focus on e-commerce.

GetResponse provides – in addition to email marketing – :

  • Marketing automation.
  • Landing pages and a landing page creator.
  • Statistical analysis tools.
  • Webinar hosting.
  • E-commerce features.

Being a comperehensive marketing platform, I can say that it definitely helps in driving more traffic to your website, incease conversions and ultimately sales, thus growing your audience and business.

GetResponse offers four plans:

  • Basic: starting at $15 per month to send an unlimited number of emails to 1,000 subscribers.
  • Plus: starting at $49 per month for up to 1,000 subscribers.
  • Professional: starting at $99 per month for up to 1,000 subscribers.
  • Max: negotiable.

Bear in mind that the more subscribers you add to your list the more your costs increase naturally. On the other hand, you can also benefit from discounts if you pay upfront for 12 or 24 months of service (18% and 30% respectively).

Below is what you can expect it terms of pricing if you want to use Getresponse for a list containing 100,000 subscribers on the different plans.

GetResponse features

The ā€œMaxā€ plan depends on special requirements and list size and so for the pricing and negotiations you need to contact GetResponse directly.

Out of the differences between the ā€œBasicā€, ā€œPlusā€ and ā€œProfessionalā€, the main ones are as followed:

  • Automation tool: only available on the ā€œPlusā€ plan ( you get to create 5 automations) and higher (you can create an unlimited number).
  • Conversion funnels: more automated sales funnels the more you go higher on the pricing scale.
  • E-commerce: the ā€œabondoned order recoveryā€ feature is available only for the ā€œPlusā€ plan or higher.
  • Webinars: also not available for the ā€œBasicā€ plan and the number of webinar attendees goes higher as you up on the pricing scale.

GetResponse pricing Vs other email marketing platforms:

If you consider the entry level database (1000 email adresses) GetResponseā€™s pricing is fairly cheaper than the plans offered by its main competitors.

Even as you go up the pricing ladder, the pricing remains competitive.

For 1000 email adresses:

  • GetResponse: $15
  • Mailchimp: $14.99
  • Campaign Monitor: $29

For a list with 10,000 records on the ā€œBasicā€ plan:

  • GetResponse: $65 per month.
  • Campaign Monitor: $89 per month.
  • Mailchimp: $105 per month.

Some other important points to consider in terms of choosing:

  • The decent discounts that GetResponse offers if you are ready to pay upfront for 1 or 2 years is a feature not provided yet by its competitors.
  • Getresponse only charges you for active subscribers as opposite to Mailchimp for example, charging you for hosting both subscribed and unsubscribed contacts (can be a significant hidden cost).
  • Aweber for example ā€” and some others competitors ā€” offers a free plan for users with a small number of records. Even though you definitely do not get the full range of features you can benefit from with a paid plan, if you are a new to email marketing or just starting you business and donā€™t have many adresses in your list, this can be a great way to get your feet wet. GetResponse doesnā€™t offer yet a similar free plan unfortunately.

Pros and cons of Getresposne

Pros os using Getresponse

  • Easy to use and navigate.
  • Very advanced features regarding the marketing automation.
  • Getresponseā€™s webinar feature is unique and I think great in engaging more with your audience and bringing more awareness to your brand. It is not available on similar platforms.
  • Its deliverability rate is quite high comapred to other competitors. According to Getresponse itself the rate is at 99%.

I think this is a very important point in choosing your email marketing service. For all the work and effort you put in promoting your business you donā€™t want your e-newsletters to end up in the spam folder of your subscribers emails.

  • The ā€œConversion Funnelā€ is tremendously helpful, especially for the beginners in e-commerce or small business since it allows you to manages all your e-commerce activity, sales funner and social media campaigns and ads under one roof
  • The discount received when paying upfront is very generous.
  • If you go for the basic plans they offer, Getresponse is overall cheaper with even more functionalities than its competitors.
  • You can try out Getresponse for free for 30 days.

Cons of using Getresposne

  • No phone support is provided (unless youā€™re subscribed to the ā€œMaxā€ plan)
  • For the webinars, there is a limit of 500 attendees.
  • Integrations for Getresponse with other tools may need a third-party syncing tool most of the time.
  • There is no free plan like Aweber for example.

Is GetResponse The BEST Email Marketing Platform?

In conclusion, GetResponse labels itself as the worldā€™s easiest email marketing to use (I have to agree ont his one).

Depending on the type of business you own and your business plan and goals, I would say that the concept of ā€œBestā€ may differ from one to another. Itā€™s quite a subjective concept. As a beginner for example, I would think that an easy to use platform would be preferable. That was definitely my main concern when I first started with email marketing and being not very tech savvy, that was the main reason I chose Getresponse. As my business grew, I was quite pleased and satisfied with how easy it made it for me to run my online business .

When you choose an email marketing tool, you are allowed to expect a minimum degree of services. All the added features that a software can offer, should fit your business plan, budget and goals. This is how you decide whatā€™s the BEST platform for You.

GetResponse alternatives

Since there is no singular solution that fits everybody, I would be amiss if I didnā€™t suggest some alternatives to Getresponse.

I would say that the main competitors of Getresponse with a strong and reliable presence on the market are Aweber and Mailchimp.

Aweber is more basic than Getresponse and Mailchimp but it is one of the oldest email marketing services on the market and has a very solid reputation.

The key advantage of Aweber is that is offers a free plan and also phone support.

Mailchimp on the other hand offers approximately the same features as Getresponse with the exception of webinars. Personally, the big downside of Mailchimp in my opinion, is that it can be quite expensive with costs adding up very quickly since it charges you even for the unsubscribed contacts on your list.

Ressources for your email marketing strategy:

*Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links from which I can get a small commission if you buy anything through them.

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